Youth in modern society

Submitted by Dmitry_Gorbachev on Thu, 04/19/2018 - 10:35

Students of the faculty of physical culture of the state University took part in the video conference "Formation and development of youth In modern society, culture, family and education", organized by the branch of the Moscow state University (Russia, Stavrapol region) in the III international forum "Youth in modern society: to social unity, culture, peace".

The Vice-rector for scientific work, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Demidenko Oleg Mikhailovich made a welcoming speech on behalf of our University.

The main purpose of the event – to direct the aspirations of the young generation to activate citizenship, patriotism, experience of "Live" communication and cultural approach in the modern world, the development of personal qualities such as leadership, creativity, the desire to learn.

Photo N. Prokopenko

Photo report